Welcome to All Saints Church, Witley

All Saints Church, Witley, Surrey

Revd. James McKeran has now left and we are in vacancy.
Here is James' last article for the Summer magazine.
Embracing the changing seasons of life

The tide rises, the tide falls,
The twilight darkens, the curlew calls;
Along the sea-sands damp and brown
The traveller hastens toward the town,
And the tide rises, the tide falls.

Darkness settles on roofs and walls,
But the sea, the sea in the darkness calls;
The little waves, with their soft, white hands,
Efface the footprints in the sands,
And the tide rises, the tide falls.

The morning breaks; the steeds in their stalls
Stamp and neigh, as the hostler calls;
The day returns, but nevermore
Returns the traveller to the shore,
And the tide rises, the tide falls.

This poem by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow has been on my mind recently. He draws out the remarkable parallel between nature and the cycle of life. The tide must rise and fall, as does the sun, as do we. He reminds us that whatever the circumstances we find ourselves in or the changes going on around us, we must trust that things carry on and new light will come.

As most of you will know, after six blessed years here in Witley as your vicar, I have been asked to take over a charity and contemporary Christian community at West Malling in Kent; which seeks to provide an environment where people can rebuild their lives after experiencing a crisis - and I shall therefore be leaving towards the end of the month. As I wandered down the country lanes, through the village and past our beautiful church building, walking my dog this morning, I envisaged the metaphorical tide rising and falling around this community: in the centuries past, during my time of ministry amongst you and in the many years to come. It has been a huge privilege and a great pleasure to serve and be part of this parish family, treading its collective journey of experience and relationship. I hold the shared achievements, fruitful friendships and happy memories very dear. Living through Covid and the Cost-of-Living-Crisis together forges a bond not easily broken. In trying to share the love of God in such testing times, I hope I have been as much a source of joy and encouragement to you as you have been to me.

Whilst this traveller may not return to the Witley shore as often as he would like, the morning always breaks and the day returns. At All Saints we are just closing the annual Easter Season, still basking in the enduring light of Christ's Resurrection - his time amongst us and his sacrifice all complete. We have commemorated his Ascension to heaven on the 9th and are celebrating the gift of the Holy Spirit to the bereft and scared disciples at Pentecost on the 19th May. The tide rises, the tide falls.

Until we meet again.

James McKeran

Here at All Saints Witley, we take the safeguarding of children and vulnerable adults very seriously. We have adopted the national Church of England's robust procedures and guidelines. Details about the national policies and procedures can be found HERE.

Our Safeguarding Officer is Phil Lewis. If you have any safeguarding concerns, Phil can be contacted by email at: safeguarding@allsaintswitley.org.uk. Alternatively, you are welcome to contact the Guildford Diocesan Safeguarding team at safeguarding@cofeguildford.org.uk or on 01483 790379.

If you have reason to think that a child or vulnerable adult is in immediate danger, you should contact the police straight away.

Please click HERE to view our DATA PRIVACY NOTICE.


All Saints Church has a huge wooden door, which, while being very old and attractive in its own way can be a physical barrier to those who have never entered All Saints before - don't let it be like that. Turn the handle, push the door and come in, all are welcome. Inside you will find a building that is filled with the prayers of 1000 years, a wall painting that is 900 years old, a 700-year-old Lady Chapel with medieval stained glass, signs of the conflict in the 16th and 17th century with an unfinished memorial tablet in the sanctuary and several other family memorials. The 18th century put in a gallery which was removed by the Victorians who added so much more, including a whole aisle on the North Side. The Victorians with three generations of Chandler Vicars built the organ, the bell tower and the vestry. They refurbished the chancel ceiling, floor and altar and put up memorials to the eminent people of the day as they passed on. The beginning of the 20th century completed the collection of stained glass windows and introduced the pews we have now, instead of the previous box pews. All Saints is full of history reflecting the needs of the generations who have worshipped here before us. There have been many changes in the past few years which help us now to use the church on a daily basis for many different groups. There is a children's trail available with many interesting things to find out and see.

Please do come inside and explore and have time for yourself, the church is open from 9.30am to 4.00pm. Or come and meet with others to worship or chat everyone is welcome.

If anyone would like to speak to Ann, please ring or email and we will endeavour to meet you as soon as we can.

The All Saints Parish Office, is in the grounds of Witley Infant School, opposite the Church.

Wishing you every blessing

        Ann Fraser
               Ann Fraser

The parish of Witley is made up of the villages of Witley, Brook, Wormley and Sandhills. The Parish Church of All Saints dates from about 1040 and is situated just off the main Petworth Road (A283) in Church Lane, opposite the White Hart public house. Witley CofE Infant School is opposite the church and has close links with it.

Apart from a regular pattern of worship on Sundays and Holy Days, the church serves the whole parish and after recent refurbishment is available every day for a variety of uses. The door is open in daylight hours for anyone who may wish to spend a quiet few moments or longer in the peace and quiet of this ancient building.

The mission of the church in Witley is to bring the love of God to all who live and work there. The church is open to all people, and here to serve the entire parish. Everyone is welcome at all services and other events and anyone is welcome to use the space in church for their own charitable or social events where appropriate. Click here for more information on using the church for your event.

If you are new to the area you are very welcome! There are a wide range of activities going on around the church that may interest you.

A team of Pastoral Assistants visit the housebound, take Communion to those who can't get to church for whatever reason, and generally help the clergy keep an eye on pastoral needs.

Ann would be pleased to talk with and welcome you. Enjoy the web-site!

Please feel free to click on the links above or on the right to find out more about us.

Be sure to visit our Parish News section which is updated weekly.

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